Is that a Fairy? Or is it Rebecca?
Have you ever played a game or begun a new puzzle? You have all these random pieces, and you have no clue where they go, but you are 100% confident that you need all the pieces and that one day soon you’ll know how they fit into the right spot. All those unique and different pieces will work together to create an amazing masterpiece in the end.
That was like my experience at the first Earth School weekend. It was powerful, and even if I didn’t understand each and every lesson fully in that moment, I was sure that every single morsel of information is absolutely vital in the grand scheme of things. In the end I will put the pieces together. What I do know already is that the conversations were deep and rich. The content applied to what is happening in our nation and in our world right now. I was introduced to the Tao and the I Ching in such a soft gentle way that I am excited to learn more about these ancient studies.
The silent walk in the secret woods was what I was looking forward to the most -- and I was not disappointed. I explored the land with new eyes. I saw the elements in new forms. Winter has never seemed so alive and warm to me.. I found secret alcoves and treasures. I made an altar in the woods to give thanks for my new sanctuary. In doing so I was given an up close and personal experience with the land. After all the deep conversations and complex topics, nature provided for me a plate full of experience. Amidst the sacred, the political, and the practical, I found places of playfulness and joyfulness.
I may not know where all the pieces go yet but the puzzle sure looks interesting. I know this will be an epic journey — one that will cultivate new experiences and open new parts of myself. Onward we go!
Melissa Coine